Push your code to the remote Git branch
Aug 4, 2021
If you wish to push the code in your local computer system to a particular branch in remote, then this article is for you. Follow the steps below.
- Add a .gitgnore file [The files and directories mentioned in this file will not be pushed to the remote]
touch .gitignore
2. Initialise git. This command will add a .git file to your local directory
git init
3. Add the files to be committed to the remote code
git add .
4. Add a commit message
git commit -m "Initial commit"
5. Add it to the remote repository
git remote add origin youruser@yourserver.com:/path/to/my_project.git
6. Push it to the master
git push origin master
7. If you wish to push it to some other branch instead of master, run the following command.
git push origin HEAD:<your_branch_name>